Social Security Benefit Calculators
BLOG is a blog intended to give you information on Social Security topics. Neither the blog, nor Jim Saulnier and Associates, LLC, are in any way approved, endorsed, or authorized by the Social Security Administration.
Jim Saulnier and Associates, LLC is a retirement planning firm that can assist you with your Social Security concerns.
Social Security Earnings Before Age 22
Deemed Filing Social Security Benefits
Rules Surrounding Spousal Social Security Benefits
Social Security Maximum Deferred Credits
Backdating Social Security Benefits
Including Additional Years Of Work For Social Security
Pension Survivor Benefits Reducing Social Security Benefit
Will My PIA Be Adjusted For Inflation?
Searching For The Optimal Social Security Claiming Strategy
Social Security Survivorship Benefits and Government Pension Clarification
Estimating A Future Social Security Benefit
Social Security Child-In-Care Benefits
Clarification on Retroactively Claiming Social Security Benefits
How the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) is Affected When Combining Retirement Benefits